UK Research on Ageing: Stronger Together

UKAgeNet is a brand new cross-disciplinary initiative that brings together over 60 National centres, institutes, networks and research groups in the varied fields of ageing research. Together, we aim to combine our strengths to speak as ‘one voice’ to policymakers and to expand our national capacity to conduct ageing research and deliver the impact so urgently needed.

Together, we will raise the profile of ageing research

The mission of UKAgeNet is to voice the needs and findings of those engaged in ageing-related research, providing policy makers with accurate information and projections, and to raise the profile of ageing research and translation in government and society. One of the main aims of UKAgeNet is for ageing-related research to be identified as a major priority for the nation’s increasingly diverse ageing population.

To maximise the opportunities offered by our ageing society and respond to the challenges highlighted in the Chief Medical Officer’s 2023 Report, it is vital to coordinate the UK’s considerable ageing research strengths.

Professor Alan Walker
Co-Director of the University of Sheffield Healthy Lifespan Institute

UKAgeNet Aims

The members of UKAgeNet decide the priorities.
Currently we have collectively decided to press for:

Create a forum for knowledge exchange, discussion and collaboration among UK centres and networks on ageing-related research, particularly focusing on the integration between the biomedical and the social sciences and the arts and humanities.

Make representations to national research policy makers on key areas of common interest, such as the need for a concerted effort by UK science to match the funding available in the US; allocating a bigger priority to the prevention of age-related multimorbidity and frailty; ensure resources for implementation; and supporting the development of the next generations of researchers in this field.

Develop a framework for the generation of impact, including connections with key stakeholders such as industry, local and regional government, and policy makers.

Explore new collaborations in areas of complementarity and synergy, and avoid duplication, including with BBSRC-MRC ageing networks.

Help to increase the reach and visibility of UK ageing research on the international stage.

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Latest News

UKAgeNet Discipline Hopping Awards 2024

Are you, or do you know, a PhD student in the field of ageing and age-related diseases who …
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UKAgeNet: Bridging Biological and Social Sciences in Ageing Research

On 3rd July 2024, UKAgeNet was delighted to convene its first research symposium “Bridging Biological and Social Sciences …
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UKAgeNet at BSG 2024!

UKAgeNet will be at the BSG 53rd Annual Conference 2024, hosted by Newcastle University, 3-5th July 2024, hosting …
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